Typical Folded Flashings

These typical folded flashings are the most commonly used on roofs.

Barge Capping

Apron (Under Flashing)

Ridge (Three Break) Folded

Valley Flashing

Change of Pitch Flashing

The change of pitch flashing is often installed at the join where an upper roof comes down onto a lower roof that has a different pitch to the upper roof. It is used because this is where leaks often occur.

The change of pitch flashing is made to order and custom folded to suit both the rib height of the roof sheet and the pitch of both the upper and lower roofs. 

The maximum length of folded flashing is 8.0m however flashings of this type and length are susceptible to buckling during handling therefore lengths much less than 8.0m is recommended.

Joyce Roofing Sales
316 Great Western Highway
Lawson NSW 2783

Phone: 4759 3633

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